A review by jennc
The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes


This book is my disappointment of the year. I was looking forward to it, had it for awhile and decided to finally read it so I could watch the show. Sad to say, I absolutely hated it.

First off: Animal cruelty. We get a dog graphically tortured, a rooster made to have a seizure and chicks with their legs cut off. Not what I was here for. Oh and Rachel's delightful book about animals dyeing. Super fun.

We never find out why or how the house can travel through time or why these girls are the ones that must be killed. He says they shine. OK so you're telling me that one out of a billion girls shines in a decade? Then the part about him being the house...I was just done by this point.

Then there are the parts of the book that just seem like tangents. We get Kirby interviewing a guy in prison for a murder he didn't commit. No way is she going to be able to get him free because she can't prove who the murderer is. Did I really need to read a chapter about that?

The only part of the book I liked was the introduction of all the different girls. (Margot was my favorite. Though reading about back alley abortions after the Supreme Court leak was tough.) But of course then they all have to die. Why? Who knows...maybe so Harper can have a new place to jerk off because death really does it for him.

This book was bleak, pointless and just irritating. I know others like it and I am glad for them. It wasn't for me though. Definitely not a writer I'll read from again.