A review by jamies_shelves
The Bastard and the Heir by Saxon James, Eden Finley

  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot


Look. I love Eden and Saxon's writing. And so I'll enjoy any book they write because I get sucked in and find it fun. But not even they could make me get behind this plot. And they couldn't save it from being cringey as fuck.

The fact that Darcy first saw Wren and immediately thought how much he looked just like his dad. And then immediately after wants to fuck him.


Were you attracted to your dad?

And then he CONSTANTLY thinks about how much they look alike.

I was fucking GAGGING.

And then you finally think it's moving past that or you could forget it, and nope it comes up again. Or Darcy thinks about how Wren looks just like his brothers. Do you secretly want to fuck your real brothers?!? It was so fucking nasty.

There was no reason she had to make Wren a carbon copy of Warren and Junior.

And the fact that Wren started to lust after Darcy when he genuinely believed he was his brother?!? WHYYYYYY.

And them being like, people will get over it. NO THEY FUCKING WOULDN'T.

I'm just imagining all of the TikToks and articles tearing them apart. Yeah I'm sure the company would eventually bounce back because of how many rich people are involved, but no one would ever not think they were disgusting. And then to adopt a daughter and bring her into that?!? Poor girl.

I did like Darcy and Wren as characters though. And Junior and Toby.

And I loved the Remy, Gabe, and Elle cameos.