A review by cassie_gutman
Second Star by Alyssa Sheinmel

Since I read an e-version of this, I didn't get to fully appreciate how pretty the cover is. I am loving the lens flares and color combos on this cover, especially since it kind of puts everything in a foggy, disbelieving sort of light. It seems like a magical place.

But that's where my excitement ended. I kind of forgot this was a Peter Pan retelling until it was PAINFULLY obvious. I wanted this to be more like Sara Benincasa's "Great," where you couldn't really tell until big things happened, and then you were thinking, "Oh! Yes! This is spectuacular!" This one, instead, was painstakingly annoying with its obvious ties to Peter Pan. Everyone had the same names except Jas, who seemed to be a new character just stuck in there (the best one, in my opinion, but I'll get to that later). There were a few other people at the beginning like Fiona, Wendy's best friend, that I thought were the most interesting and could have made the story so much better, but it was too stuck on the Peter Pan storyline to give attention to things that weren't tie-ins.

There just did not seem to be a lot happening in the book, and I felt like at 75% I should be in the thick of the novel and on edge, but it still felt like Wendy was stuck in the same cycle and wasn't going anywhere for a while.

Read When: Skip this one unless you're REALLY into Peter Pan. But even then, I'd recommend Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson instead.

Head to my blog for more thoughts on this! http://www.happybookloversblog.com