A review by ec_newman
Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross


I need to process before I write this. I'm not even sure about the rating I gave it.


This is a strange book for me to review. In matters of concept and world, this book is pretty cool. A whole town filled with a twist on fairytales and characters, and a strange relationship with destiny and fate. The tattoos that mark the characters/types is also fun. Big fan of that.

The rest of it is just strange. You know how when you read a first time writer, or you write something early in your writing and it's like it exists in a vacuum? Like the adults are absent so much that it's unbelievable. Or the characters go so much with the plot and momentum that it's hard to believe that no one is stopping and thinking, 'hey, this is weird and I need a moment to process.' That's this book. The main character goes to Beau Rivage to find her parents' graves, etc. but after maybe a day or something, she's completely taken in by the citizens of the town and it's like her parents don't matter. She falls in love quickly (which I hate) even though
Spoiler it's toxic
. It's kind of twilight zone or dream-like in the sense that I can't quite buy the world and the circumstances. And that really threw me.

Also, the characters are less charming and more annoying. I continued reading because the concept of the story was enough to propel me forward, but in the end, I rolled my eyes a lot at the characters (insta-love or love in a a matter of days really isn't my thing).

So would I recommend it? Maybe. If you liked fairytale retellings and twists, liked the show Once Upon A Time, but darker and weren't bothered by the above story issues. Which when Once Upon A Time goes the direction of inconsistency and you're not bothered, then you might really like this book.