A review by brogan7
The Kinship of Secrets by Eugenia Kim


A story of a family divided because of the Korean war; one sister/daughter left behind with her uncle and her grandparents, the other emigrated to the US with her parents as a baby/one year old.
I liked the characters, the kindness of the uncle, the loyalties ofthe younger daughter, the sadness of the situation and its richness too.
It dragged a bit towards the end, I felt the author sort of moralizing/interpreting when I wanted more flow to it, maybe more strife (the sisters' easy harmony seems unlikely to me, actually), and I wasn't at all sure about keeping the secrets, particularly secrets that everyone knew except the one concerned (Miran)--this seemed to me naive (that Miran would never suspect; that there would never be a strain there, on all of them, towards telling her.)