A review by kristy_k
I Wore My Blackest Hair by Carlina Duan


3.5 Stars

Lovely collection of poetry that focuses on family, race, feminism, and individuality.

A few of my favorite lines:

"My mother is not from your country,
and I am not ashamed."
"I am lonely, in my lonely chest."
"To replace the languages our mom spoke, we
smoked up our Chinese with blond dolls,
our new knees. American girls."
"I was her American
daughter, my tongue
my hardest muscle
forced to swallow
a muddy alphabet."
"when a boy plumps his lips on your throat
and asks you to say something dirty
in CHINESE, you flip the sheets
and bite down, tasting trouble
and rage."
"there is an entire liquid nation in his face and no-
where to admit what I fear. some day the president
might hurt him, or lie, or
dismiss: my baba who
cleans my passport with alcohol wipes..."
"The truth is/ I want to leave but I don't want to leave & I know nothing/ & everything..."