A review by readfrenzy
Love Online by Penelope Ward


Audiobook Review

This story was just okay for me — I didn’t love it; didn’t hate it. Ryder is super sweet and understanding. Eden is selfless. I think it comes down to the fact that I couldn’t believe her career wasn’t more of an obstacle in their relationship. Not a lot happens in the story, but there’s very little drama, and for that I was grateful. I also enjoyed their chemistry as a couple. Eden’s brother is a real gem, and I liked Ryder’s housekeeper as well.

I listened to the audiobook, and I must say that I was rather disappointed by Sebastian York and Andi Arndt’s narration. Ryder’s housekeeper is Hispanic, and both of them give a half-hearted attempt—at best—at a Spanish accent. It distracted me. For a professional narrator to not work with a vocal coach to produce a convincing accent is unacceptable in my opinion, and one of my pet peeves as a listener.

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