A review by brnycx
The Life and Times of Harvey Milk: The Mayor of Castro Street by Randy Shilts


i've been meaning to read this book for years. as i was off to san francisco a few weeks ago, i thought it'd be the perfect time to finally get to it.

this is a really fantastic book. agreed, it's not *perfectly* written but i found it refreshing in its presentation of harvey milk as a fully-rounded person, warts and all. he doesn't come across as some matyr saint - in the book he's ambitious, a little condescending, pretty cruel to his many lovers, often rather crude (and a little creepy), but he was still an inspiration and his story and many speeches about hope left me with a lump in my throat. with eyes on the mayorship (and possibly even further) who knows he what he would have managed if he hadn't been so cowardly assassinated. as a gay man, even one living half a world away, i owe him a lot.