A review by ldooten
Nice and Easy by Erin Nicholas


This was okay for me. The writing flowed pretty well, and I liked Caleb and Lexi for the most part. I understood Caleb's situation with Shay. I have a son with autism, and the exact same thoughts go through my head too. Lexi was a great mom and nurse, but I'm not sure that I liked Caleb and her together. The fact that she thinks she can't have sex with Caleb without it being dominant was a turn off for me. Don't get me wrong, I love a steamy book, but she acted like she was a former sub or something. It was annoying to read her thoughts over and over about what Caleb should do. I liked the interactions with the group, and with their other friends. There were some pretty good moments in there. The end was sweet, and I thought it was great for these characters.
I voluntarliy reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.