A review by indiethereader
Bourdain: In Stories by Laurie Woolever


I purchased this book rather impulsively. I never knew much of Anthony Bourdain prior to his passing away despite his work being right up my alley.

This book is a story of Bourdain's life written as a collection of intertwining interviews of people with whom he was close. I've come away from this novel with such a vivid picture of who Bourdain was, what he represented and what he meant to others.

The style of the book with the intertwining excerpts from interviews was something which worked surprisingly well and it was not difficult to follow at all.

This book makes a point of not only highlighting the positive aspects of Bourdain's personality but the negative ones as well. It shows that he was human and could make mistakes.

Despite his flaws, Bourdain was clearly a personality loved by so many. The tragedy of his demise seems almost appropriate given the passion with which he approached everything in life.