A review by mortimer
Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? by Mark Fisher

challenging informative inspiring fast-paced


i had an experience recently where i was talking to this person outside a bar at a noise show and they were telling me how they wouldn't date (or debate? we were wasted) anyone who hadn't read this book. they said something about the people they recommended it to finding it devastating, i guess because they didn't understand the pervasiveness of capital beforehand. WELL i must be built different because i honestly found this to be a really energizing read. I blew through it in less than 24 hours and it generally felt like Mark Fisher was articulating the thoughts I'd been grappling with since like, idk, my freshman year of uni. as someone who is interested in theory but generally hates reading it, i found the language used to be colorful and deeply engaging, and Fisher uses popular culture to contextualize his arguments as much as he uses references to Žižek or Deleuze and Guattari.

tl;dr: this book is 90 pages. read it