A review by tiffanydasilva
Company of One: Why Staying Small Is the Next Big Thing for Business by Paul Jarvis


As someone who has spent most of their career in tech and specifically in the “growth hacking” space, reading this book was a sigh of relief. Even though I had spent most of my career focusing on fast growth, it was also the reason I left to start my own business. I told myself I had to leave to “make my own rules” and “set my own expectations” - what I really meant, and learned after reading this book, was that I was striving to build a company of one in both my consulting and e-commerce. Instead of focusing on growing every year, I feel much more confident after reading this book that my hunch to create upper limit financial goals was a good one.. so thank you Paul Jarvis for that.
Since I read this, I have recommended it to anyone who would listen to me: other consultants, other solopreneurs and especially those I mentor who are thinking of making the jump, especially those that came from the growth background like me. So if you’re reading this review, and you are one of these people.. please read (or listen) to this book! (I did both and both were fantastic)