A review by mynameisprerna
The Fake Boyfriend Fiasco by Talia Hibbert


I absolutely love Talia Hibbert, and this book doesn’t disappoint! It’s fun and sexy, a delightful read.

I especially appreciated both MCs’ openness around sex, appetite, and orientation.
Nik is bi, and it’s never weird. It isn’t weird to him, the friends he’s slept with, or Aria. The bonus vignette about Aria pegging Nik was excellent!

As compared to other books of Hibbert’s that I’ve enjoyed, this one is a little less deep and serious. I think it makes for the perfect beach read!

Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4: Great, calling it good doesn’t feel adequate. I really liked it and had a very good time reading it.

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 4: Brown Girl Spicy
Multiple descriptive and detailed open door scenes; smut is very prominent but it does not overtake plot

Perspective: third
Tense: past
POV: dual 

Source: NetGalley