A review by marcys_books9
The Springtime of My Life Began with You, Volume 1 by Nikki Asada


Thanks to Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

How do you ask a girl out? Just keep bullying her until she has no choice, but to say yes.

Then just boss her around, make her the focus of school gossip, and not respect her decisions.

Sorry, this guy is a walking red flag for me. Everything about his personality just irritated me, and although our main character is a reserved bookworm, that doesn’t give you the right to take her out of her comfort zone. She’s an introvert. That doesn’t mean she needs someone to force her out of her shell. He just kept annoying me with how he made her to go with his flow. Maybe I related to the main character too much, I’m an introverted bookworm too, and I would not appreciate a guy doing this to me, and for it to be considered romantic. Just don’t.

I also smell a love triangle coming, and I’m hoping the main character dumps the main guy for him. They had more chemistry in those two scenes they had together than she had with the actual love interest.

Merged review:

Thanks to Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

How do you ask a girl out? Just keep bullying her until she has no choice, but to say yes.

Then just boss her around, make her the focus of school gossip, and not respect her decisions.

Sorry, this guy is a walking red flag for me. Everything about his personality just irritated me, and although our main character is a reserved bookworm, that doesn’t give you the right to take her out of her comfort zone. She’s an introvert. That doesn’t mean she needs someone to force her out of her shell. He just kept annoying me with how he made her to go with his flow. Maybe I related to the main character too much, I’m an introverted bookworm too, and I would not appreciate a guy doing this to me, and for it to be considered romantic. Just don’t.

I also smell a love triangle coming, and I’m hoping the main character dumps the main guy for him. They had more chemistry in those two scenes they had together than she had with the actual love interest.