A review by caroleheidi
Sharcano by Jose Prendes


If you open this book expecting horror and science fiction of a serious nature then you are going to be seriously disappointed and hate it, however if you are wanting a fast-paced romp through a hellish apocalypse of amusing lava-shark related proportions then you will love it.

Much like the films that are of a similar nature, the overall storyline of this can only really be described as a bit silly. Sentient lava in the form of giant lava sharks that don’t particularly adhere to the laws of physics rapidly melting the Earth and everything on it into a puddle of ash is never going to be serious and inevitably leads to a few moments of giggling at someone being eaten/melted in a comically ridiculous way every ten pages or so. That said, it is very good silliness.

It keeps on throwing more situations at the wide cast of characters and they behave in believable human ways that make you fond of them even if you don’t much like their personalities. There is intrigue and mystery as everyone tries to figure out a way to halt the ever flowing lava and save the Earth as well as desperation, despair and tragedy.

I will confess to even shedding a couple of tears at tense moments – the power of playing on emotions and parent-child bonds is used with prowess – as well as laughing out loud and actually face-palming at the odd idiot moment.

I really, really enjoyed this book in the same way as I enjoy ‘popcorn’ movies that don’t require me to do anything but kick back and enjoy the show. I was a bit unsure at first but three chapters in and I was hooked, it was good fun and delivered exactly what the title promised cleverly and wittily without taking itself too seriously.

I’m actually quite curious about where the series will go next…