A review by indiekay
Tentacle Wonderland by Reese Morrison


I received an ARC from the author

Reese Morrison did it again! If you love stories with diverse gender and disability rep I will always suggest Reese Morrison as an author to pick up. I loved this one. I was already fully invested in both characters and their potential relationship after the first two chapters, having gotten a taste of both their POVs. Like, the way both characters just wildly misinterpreted each other's actions and interest in each other hit me so hard, I loved it so much.

And I really loved both characters. I loved how badly Reggie was pining for Dante, and how he was so often able to rationalise why Dante acted in certain ways. And Dante's fear that he wasn't loveable because of how his family treated him, and the way he hid that fear with defiance really hit me in the feels.

The universe this story is set in is a really fun and unique take on both omegaverse and tentacle stories. The world has a lot of carnivorous animated plant life, and there's a really fun scene where Reggie and Dante go to cut down a Christmas tree that can move it's pin needles to touch them, and when trying to decorate the tree it kept pushing their decorations off. That was definitely my favourite scene, and the way the tree is described touching and feeling everything was absolutely adorable.

I do think reading Rut by Reese Morrison before reading this is a good idea, because it sets up a lot of the world building, and this one might not make as much sense without it - BUT I did get an early ARC and the author said they did fix up some stuff at the beginning of the book after I'd already read my ARC, so they might have added more establishing information!