A review by almondmilklattes
Daughter of Light by Garrett Curbow



“‘Standing up, smiling. Dazzling the world.’”

Garrett’s debut, self published YA Fantasy novel. Boy, this was a rollercoaster.

I am doing my best not to let the fact that Garrett is a close friend of mine alter any of this review or my feelings. That being said, this was an amazing debut. Garrett has been talking to me about this book since we’ve met and I’ve been excited ever since to get my hands on it. Never in a million years would I think it would be a physical book that I would buy. I got a chance to read some of his other works and it showed me that Garrett was a talented writer. So, going into this I was quite excited to see something that was polished and ready to be self published. Let me tell you my thoughts.

Garrett has an amazing way of writing. This is probably the highlight of the book. His writing style is so beautiful and descriptive, while still being impactful. I could visualize so many scenes because of his unique writing style. Whether that is through metaphors, analogies, or just in a different wording of an adjective or verb. Garrett writes some pretty good characters. His characters are so different from one another and he makes you care about them in such a short span of a book. Not even 100 pages in and he is making me tear up because of a relationship that is evolving, even if they’ve known each other for awhile. Somehow you feel like you’ve known them for a lot longer than just 100 or so pages. Garrett can write some actions scenes and keep you on the edge of your seat. I’m talking about you: the last 100 pages of the book. I was nervously sitting on the edge, hunched over my book, worried that a character was soon to be killed off. He delivers on the anxiety during a fight scene, making you scared of the outcome. It just goes to show how he can make you care so much about a character. Another thing is, Garrett isn’t afraid to kill of characters. I respect an author who isn’t afraid to kill off the characters. Not even for the sake of a wow factor, but to show the effects of war and the stakes at play. Also, this world is a fun one. The lands are unique and vastly different on each other! Lastly, he knows how to pull some twists and turns. I may have called one way before it happened, but even if you figure out any of them out I guarantee you’ll be jumping out of your seat screaming, “yes!” from being right.

I’m going lightly on this book because I know it’s a debut and self published. I know with the help of editors and a proper team that it would be super beneficial!

There are times this book can seemed too rushed. While I know it can be to keep the plot moving forward, I can’t help but wish to spend a little more time with certain characters, or to develop a scene. The ‘rush’ feeling can also make the book seem choppy in some spots. Another point is that the plot and characters can be a little weak and lacking in some areas. I see the potential in the world, the plot, and the characters. I can’t wait for editors to help Garrett expand on them!

Overall, I give this book a 4/5. It is a solid and enjoyable debut. There is never a dual moment, always moving along and tons of action and twists. While they’re some issues I saw within it, the story takes over and makes up for it. I really can’t wait to see Garrett grow as a writer and I’ll be there on the side lines cheering him on! I’m proud of you, Garrett. It takes guts to put something out, but that something is a solid debut into a fantasy world I can’t wait to see more of!