A review by helenafaustina
The Black Cauldron 50th Anniversary Edition: The Chronicles of Prydain, Book 2 by Lloyd Alexander


A thrilling story! The character development of the main character, Taran, is beautifully gradual. I love the theme, that although taking pride in who you are is a noble thing, do not seek it out and try to be a hero in dishonorable ways. The chemistry of the main characters makes you long to be a part of their group, and the book is so well written that you do feel that way! After the first book, [b:The Book of Three|24780|The Book of Three (The Chronicles of Prydain, #1)|Lloyd Alexander|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1405184012l/24780._SY75_.jpg|1149593], which leaves you wanting more, this following book satisfies you and excites you for the rest of the series! I would highly recommend it!