A review by sarahreadsinin
Waisted by Randy Susan Meyers


The first sentence of this book was so powerful, it took my breath away. I had to set down the book for a bit and mull things over. As a woman struggling with weight and loving myself, I feel like I was destined to win this ARC. It perfectly hits where I am in my personal journey right now.

The story is told from two points of view, Alice and Daphne, although there are other major characters. We get to see some backgrounds into their relationships with food and what drives them to enlist in Privation, which sounds similar to The Biggest Loser, except more humiliating for the all-female participants.

The story in interesting and well written, I really wanted everyone to succeed and learn to love themselves in a way that I haven’t mastered yet. The characters are believable, and I think that no matter their size, every woman will see parts of themselves in Alice and Daphne.

The last few chapters were divine. The characters grow and change. They want to be better but are still flawed.

My biggest disappointment with the book was how the characters’ weights and bodies were described. I’m a similar height and weight to Daphne, and she was described as having a Joe Namath-type back. I immediately googled him and started feeling self conscious about a body part that I hadn’t thought of before. But that’s on me, and my insecurities, and not the author.

I will definitely be reading more by Ms. Meyers. This book was wonderful.