A review by bibliobrandie
Different Kinds of Fruit by Kyle Lukoff


This book is perfection. I loved every bit of it and would love it to be a classroom read or an all school read. Lukoff brings up so many questions that students have and then answers them in the most perfect way. When Bailey shares that their pronouns are they/them, the teacher's response is perfect (and one that I plan to use!). When a student asks "Is there a white history month or a men's history month," the teacher responds: "Are you worried that you don't know enough about men? Or about white people? Are you having a hard time finding white people or men in the books that you read? Movies you watch? Or video games you play?" In another conversation a student says "Freedom of speech is not the same thing as freedom to be listened to." I literally could have underlined all the words of wisdom in this book. But beyond that, these are incredible characters that you love and root for, and the story is very compelling. Strong LGBTQ representation. I think students are going to love this important novel.