A review by cdcsmith
Hidden River by Adrian McKinty


I think I was technically reading three of McKinty's books at the same time. I had ordered The Sun is God. I had been on a waiting list for Orange Rhymes with Everything for weeks, and The River, I actually had as a free audio book (loved it from the start and immediately had to buy a used print edition - the only way it can be purchased as it is out of print). Everything showed up at once.

This was one of his early books and I have to say, overall I really liked it. There were a couple of scenes that literally had me breathing fast, hearth thumping, riveted to the words.

Some people don't like it when an author meanders, in this book I'm thinking specifically about the poppies being picked, the history of Bayer and heroin, and the way he thinks about it. It's meaningful, though it drifts somewhat from the plot. At least that may be how some see it.

It wasn't a pretty story. Our guy isn't an easy one to care for. He is well past flawed, but I could understand why he made some of the choices he did. The ending pulled together perfectly I thought too. Really a very good book.