A review by brianbell7
Darktown Funk by Eric Ugland


Audible - 5 Stars for Neil Hellegars. He is the reason I've continued on with both series.

Book - 3.5 Stars. Finally. A mysterious adventure that brought back the "what the hell is going on" factor that I loved in the first few books. This entry is an actual adventure. Something happened. In fact, I'd rate it a 4 star story if not for the endless inane banter that the author pounds the reader into submission with. I get it. The inane banter is part of Clyde's (and Montana's) charm, persona, way of dealing with the world. But it is incredibly overdone here. If it was limited to when helpful to the story, it would probably erase a full hour of the audible. A chef knows how much to salt a dish to achieve maximum flavor without dumping the entire bag of salt on their creation and spoiling what would have been a great meal. I feel that is a fair analogy here. We are in book 9. We get it. Please stop oversalting. It diminishes the otherwise excellent comedy moments.

The series remains a favorite of mine in the litrpg genre. Again, Neil Hellegars is the reason I hung out through, what I hope was a limited amount, of slog books. I'm excited for the next book.