A review by octavia_cade
Let Me Go by Chelsea Cain


The last in the series, perhaps - the story doesn't seem to be over, but it's been a number of years now and no sign of continuance, so I think stick a fork in it, it's done. And honestly, it should be, as it simply can't get over the fundamental problem at the centre of the text. Cain is certainly proficient at tension, and this was an entertaining enough read, but despite Archie's brief surfacing into the heady realms of common sense in book #5, he's as irritating as ever in this one. When everyone around you, even the bad guys, are saying of Gretchen Lowell "put a bullet in her head," it's deeply, deeply irritating to find him prevaricating, still.

Honestly, the high point of this book is when Susan rips Archie a new one for his flip-flopping, and his inability to be honest with the rest of the investigative team, and how deeply his compromised integrity has cost them. About goddamned time, I thought, and was sincerely hoping that now the scales have fallen from her eyes Susan would distance herself from this disaster of a protagonist. Alas, it seems that she's as stupid as he is. Why either she or Gretchen are so obsessed with Archie I don't know. Honestly, this series should have ended with his death. I've no sympathy for him.