A review by solaceinprose
Game Changer by Neal Shusterman


Although this book wasn't bad, I don't know who this book was for. I don't know if having your typical "liberal yet ignorant" white teenage boy being the center of the universe was done with an underlying message of how most white teenage boys think they're the center of the universe or was just a decision Shusterman made. I enjoyed the story. I liked all the other characters outside of Ash and Layton (fuck that dude and his ending was total Karma). I wanted more for Katie, and once again, girls become nothing more than emotional fodder for dudes. I think that's what upset me and lowered this rating to a 2. Katie's life never really changed, and it probably won't. But hey, Ash changed and that's all that matters.

I don't know if I'll watch the show/movie this is going to be because I really didn't give a flying fuck about Ash to care to see his story in live action