A review by bethywa
Hooked: How Crafting Saved My Life by Sutton Foster


I love Sutton - she is the princess of Broadway. Also, long live Bunheads!

Anyway, when she was doing promotion for this book I got the impression that it would be a book where she weaves (crafting pun intended) her life into the crafting projects that have helped her mental health through specific points of it. It felt a little more disjointed than I had hoped. I feel that she didn't quite get to truly how crafting saved her life and that is what is in the title. It seems more like "How crafting helped me mantain good mental health," which is live-saving to a degree but not quite as big. I don't know.

All that being said, I truly loved hearing her tell her story. There was so much I did not know and especially appreciated hearing about her relationship with her mother. Her own learning, growing, and hardship can help somebody help to learn and grow in theirs as well. She is pure talent and I would recommend her book to anyone who loves Broadway and even to those who do not know Broadway but do know a complicated relationship with a mother or mother figure.