A review by loonyboi
Adjustment Day by Chuck Palahniuk


This book is a mess. It's Palahniuk, so it's a hot mess, but it's a total mess. I've read everything he's published, and even his misses are somewhat entertaining, but this one was a slog at times. The biggest issue is that rather than pick a single narrator, Palahniuk made the choice to take a shotgun approach to storytelling. Nobody gets very well defined, events are told, not depicted, the whole timeline is murky, and the ending came completely out of left field.

Adjustment Day reminded me of Palahniuk's other recent hot mess, [b:Fight Club 2|25614994|Fight Club 2|Chuck Palahniuk|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1440449755s/25614994.jpg|45760867]. It's not quite as meta, but there are references to Fight Club (the novel/movie) and even Palahniuk himself. I get it, but I really hope he's gotten that out of his system.

I don't recommend this for any but the most committed of Palahniuk completests. He's written better. Go read those instead.