A review by cakesaretasty3
Slammerkin by Emma Donoghue


Despite having a bad headache while reading this, I couldn’t put this book down because it was brilliantly written. Many of the reviews on here didn’t take to Mary’s character, calling her arrogant, unrelatable, and a psychopath. But, I don’t agree. I think she was human, flawed, and simply desperate for a better life – and she manipulated and lied and cheated her way to try and get it – but she didn’t have a lot of choice. She lived in the 18th century, when it was near impossible to improve on the life you were born into.

The book felt very well researched, with every character vividly drawn, so I wasn’t surprised to read many of the characters and events were based on real life. Some of the most memorable fragments really existed, which I found fascinating – from how Ma Slattery’s backstreet abortion cellar operated, to the Magdalen Hospital for Penitent Prostitutes, Mrs Farrel bleeding her tenants dry, that Mary Saunders had been a servant to a real Mrs Jones in Monmouth, and even that a real life Ann Pullen (Nan Pullen) was charged with stealing her Mistress’ clothes in 1763.

It’s one of the best books I’ve read in ages, and having finished it, I’m sad to leave Mary and Doll behind. They weren’t perfect, but I grew to care about them very deeply.

One thing I do wish – that the Goodread’s book description hadn’t given away the ending!!!!!