A review by groovykathy
The Perfect Child by Lucinda Berry


I have very mixed feelings about the story. It definitely kept my interest, but the ending was a non-ending which was annoying. Not just an unhappy ending—literally nothing is resolved. Also, this book definitely doesn’t encourage fostering children. Or adoption for that matter. I’m not sure the premise of this novel is a good message, considering all the children who need foster care in this country.

Which leads me to the fact that the author of this book is psychiatric doctor focusing on childhood trauma. She certainly doesn’t give much hope that childhood abuse can be overcome. I think maybe it should have gone further into the background of Janie. Maybe more into her birth family or something. There are snippets of them, but not enough. Actually, if we had learned her father was a psychopath or there was some other cause for Janie’s behavior, the story would have been much stronger. As it is, Janie is just a evil kid. Period. In fact, I felt the main message of the book (for me) was even if good people adopt abused children and do all the right things, they are doomed, because damaged children are manipulative and evil. Does Dr. Berry really feel this way?

So, that’s a definite trigger warning for other readers. Also, another trigger warning: animal abuse. Like I said, I had to keep reading, but I’m not sure if I actually enjoyed it, or if it was more like a train wreck that I couldn’t look away from. One thing is for sure, this will stick with me.