A review by krisrid
Casting Spells by Barbara Bretton


I very much enjoyed this first installment in the Sugar Maple series. The characters are multi-faceted and interesting, the plot built well to a satisfying conclusion and there was lots of opportunity left for future books.

Chloe Hobbs lives in Sugar Maple, Vermont. An idyllic, picture-postcard town that appear perfect. But actually, all that perfection is supported by magick. The town is filled with magical beings, and protected by a charm created three centuries ago by Chloe's ancestress, Aerynn.

Unfortunately, the charm requires a Hobbs woman who has come into her powers, and the production of female offspring to keep the charm strong, and the town protected. Chloe is the last of Aerynn's line, and there is no man in the picture.

To make matters worse, Chloe's powers are nowhere to be found and there's no indication they will manifest anytime soon, so the protections that have kept the town safe for 300 years are beginning to break down. That could allow Isadora - the evil Fae queen who's wanted to rule Sugar Maple and take it back into the mists to Fae - to get her wish.

Enter Luke MacKenzie - the sheriff sent from Boston to investigate the death of his friend Suzanne - a visitor to Sugar Maple, and the first death EVER inside town limits.

MacKenzie's presence could threaten the very existence of Sugar Maple as he pokes into things better left alone. Of course, he and Chloe are immediately attracted to one another, with ACTUAL sparks flying everytime they touch. Could Luke be Chloe's true love and the answer to everyone's prayers? Since Luke's a human, it doesn't seem likely, but then again, Sugar Maple's filled with magick, so anything is possible!

The story is developed very smoothly and effectively to the ending that is what you hope for. Looking forward to the next book!