A review by kjanie
Something in the Wine by Jae


RE-READ: August 2022

I was having a bad day and was looking for a nice sweet book to lift my mood. This was a perfect choice, just as good the second time around.

4/5 stars

This was such a fun, sweet book. I've read a bunch of books by Jae recently, and I have enjoyed every single one. I feel like she has mastered so many different types of romance books, with this being a great example of a sweet, relatively fluffy romance. I'm not saying it didn't have any deeper moments, but it was definitely on the light-hearted side of the spectrum. This is honestly exactly what I wanted at the moment, so this definitely filled what I was looking for. I adored the characters together (of course) and their development from friends to something much more.

While I love reading books with strong, self-confident women, I also related much more with Annie in this book. She was a bit awkward, shy and definitely not good at dating/finding love. I really just wanted to hug her for the entire book. While her relationship with Drew didn't 'change' Annie per-say (which is good because there is nothing wrong with being a bit awkward and shy) but her growing in confidence and understanding about herself just made me so happy. Drew is like the opposite of Annie. She is much more free-spirited, confident in herself and very flirty. I think she was such a fun, dynamic character that brought most the humour and banter to the story.

If you are like me and perhaps are unsure about the 'straight girl falls for lesbian' plotline or deeply closeted stories (I wasn't sure which one this was when I started), let me tell you not to worry when it comes to this book. It is handled very well and the book is very self-aware about the situation and the difficulties of figuring out your sexuality later in life/ trusting yourself to begin a relationship with a straight person. At this point, I've just come to trust the way Jae deals with her romances and characters, and I think you definitely should to. If you are looking for a very sweet and mostly light-hearted romance, then this is definitely the book for you.