A review by anieskander
A Star-Wheeled Sky by Brad R. Torgersen


“Knowledge is what you think you know, boy. But then you take what you think you know, and you hurl it against the wall of reality so that it smashes into little pieces. What you pick up off the floor? That is wisdom.” (p.291) Best line in the book. However...

I had a hard time getting through the first half of the book. The characters weren’t very interesting, but most of them did feel real (aside from Vex and Kalbi). I was interested to see where they’d go.
I got a bit dizzy from the amount of mechanical detail. I know some readers will like that, though. Very cool for nerds who want to build the ships and detailed workings of the Waywork in their brains.
I also felt there were quite a few plot points that were not believable. Why would Constellar go across the Waypoint with unarmed civilian ships in the first place? And why on earth (or Uxmal) would they let the unarmed ships go off by themselves? All of their excuses for making insane moves like that just did not work for me. I found myself questioning their intelligence every few chapters.
The sacrifices of side characters were very heroic, and each ship that went down rounded out Mikton’s character more and more. The other main characters started to grow on me a bit too, but they felt more stagnant. I enjoyed Lethiah and her backstory very much. The innerworld of her giant old Arc was probably my favorite part.
I also liked the Keys and the psychic labor of the way-point pilots. Super cool concepts.

I guess overall, I think more words could have been used on sense-making plot and character over mind-numbing mechanics and maneuvers (alliteration not intended! Lol)
Oh, and the buggers...I mean Waymaker machines, and their creators are intriguing. I’m considering reading the next book:)