A review by kazen
Sins of a Wicked Duke by Sophie Jordan


This just wasn't my kind of book. I was excited to see gender-bending mentioned in the blurb, but it was way too easy for Fallon to pass as a guy. Just cut your hair and change your clothes, no one will notice! Riiiight.

We're told she's not all that pretty, but that doesn't stop every male in the book from fawning over her. And when she was dressed as a guy, the girls liked her too! It's almost comical.

Dominic, our hero, is just over the alpha a-hole line for me.
Deflowering the heroine on a kitchen table, with barely a word? Really??
I never got the sense that he loves Fallon, just that she papers over all the holes in his heart in a satisfactory fashion.

Ah well. If your tastes run slightly more caveman alpha than mine you may well adore this book, but it wasn't for me.