A review by brittni1933
Fiend by Peter Stenson


This is such a brilliant novel and I hate to say that it might be my new favorite. It captures what it is like to be a junkie so well that it haunts me. Having been raised around and even having used crystal I had to set the book down for a moment and take a deep breath to clear my head.

It's so raw and graphic that it resembles so much of what it is actually like to be a junkie, and yet the author is able to still show "Junkies" as what they really are: people who are consumed by chemicals.

This was actually my second time to read this novel the first being about a weeks ago. I was so consumed by this book that I gave my mind time to work over what I experienced and then re-read it because I simply couldn't get it out of my head.

This novel will always stick with me and if you've ever done or been around a lot of crystal use you will truly be astonished by how real the book is.

Besides the zombies of course.

I will say this novel is not for the week stomached or innocent-minded. It sticks with you... like an addiction.