A review by beckymmoe
Hot Pursuit by Julie Ann Walker


Worth the wait!

If you've read book 10 in the series ([b:Fuel for Fire|30166742|Fuel for Fire (Black Knights Inc., #10)|Julie Ann Walker|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1485011398s/30166742.jpg|50606294]), then you had more than an inkling that Christian and Emily's story was going to be something else. Their constant bickering with and "annoying" each other made it clear to everyone but them (or was it?) that these two had chemistry to spare. You just knew their book was gonna be good--and it didn't disappoint!

Hot Pursuit begins where the last book left off, with four BKI employees still stuck in England, trying to get back to Chicago. The infamous and elusive Spider's still at large, but now another, more immediate enemy is at hand, and Christian, Emily, and the rest of the gang spend most of the book dealing with danger from that front.

But those gosh-darn hormones, they keep getting in the way...

I loved watching Christian win Emily over to his way of thinking (the car wash scene--whew, that one give you some niiiiiice imagery to ponder!) and am really looking forward to seeing them be all couple-y like in the next book ([b:Built to Last|35383070|Built to Last (Black Knights Inc., #12)|Julie Ann Walker|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1505952815s/35383070.jpg|56744133]--Angel's book, woot!) but please, please tell me that Ace and Rusty are at least getting a novella (though really, they deserve their own full-length book!)

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.