A review by erin_j
I'll Be Home by Toni Shiloh


A good, fluffy, Christmas read.

I really liked this story. A cute brother's best friend romance. Starr and Waylon have a spark of attraction after not seeing each other for a few years. Waylon sees that his best friend's little sister isn't so little anymore and he's quite interested in her. Luckily she's interested in him too and they have the blessing from the rest of her family. These two are so cute. I loved their romance and the openness of it. Starr shares her "secrets" with Waylon early on and she kept him in the loop about things. They go on dates and hangout together throughout the book. I loved their interactions and time together. So sweet and realistic. Such a great book for the Christmas season. And the epilogue was so cute!

There is a Christian aspect to this book. Mostly in the characters praying and contemplating the reason for the season.