A review by reydeam
Ship of Theseus by J.J. Abrams, Doug Dorst


“The story you walk into, he has learned, is always more complex than it first appears.”

S. (Ship of Theseus) was full of intrigue, mystery, questions, and smart writing. I loved this book. There is nothing about it that I found disagreeable. It is one to experience.

There were many moments when I paused and pondered the words on the page; a phrase, an idea, a perspective would leave me in wonder, or awe, or just needing a moment. I love when words are powerful like that.

I couldn’t love the unique format any more even if I tried. The uniqueness falls into place because of its two stories within one: the the main book and the margin notes (with its memorabilia) each tell their own story while also being one.

The format of this book took some time to get use to reading. The flow is much different than with other books, and there are various ways a reader can go about reading this book. I chose to first read a grouping of pages of the main book (the page grouping count would change per my mood), and then go back and read the margin notes. For me, this worked out great. Because of this format, it did take me longer to read the book. In truth, reading two books at once would take longer so the reading time for SOT fits.

S. is definitely a book that demands being read in it’s hardcover format. Thankfully it’s not released as an ebook. It has been released in audiobook format; don’t go there.

I truly was in awe over this book. I still am. I loved the intrigue, adventure, mystery, pace, and it’s depth. I loved it all.

A fun, fun book that held my interest through and through.