A review by paperbackstash
A Past Revenge by Carole Mortimer


Another Harlequin with a different sort of pattern - I loved the heroine. She never got dewy eyed, there were no false electric sparks that made me roll my eyes, she handled herself well through the whole book. The hero was sexy and flirty and you ended up really digging him in the end. This one held a few surprise twists and a lot of hidden layers to uncover, surprises which was shocking - and depressing - at times. The suspense as you're waiting for the secrets to unfold and to see how the revenge scenario to play out was nail biting. The ending was honestly sweet and a bit eye watering. Mortimer delved into some deep themes and threw serious grief into a usually light-hearted genre. Sex isn't there much but when it is sometimes it's spicy. Highly recommended older Harlequin.