A review by nikkiethereader
Benched by Rebecca Barber


Title: Benched
Author: Rebecca Barber
Release Date: October 7th, 2022
Page Count: 305
Start Date: October 12th, 2022
Finish Date: October 13th, 2022

Story: Out of the three stories out currently, this one is hands down my favorite. Which is interesting to me. Tasha was my favorite character of all of the characters. I mean I grew an attachment to every character in all of these books, but yeah. Back to the original point. This one was my favorite. So far anyways. I have a feeling I might really enjoy at least one that hasn't been released yet. At least I think so by the nugget I picked up in the back of the book. Sienna is pregnant. Her world is turned upside down and she's so afraid to tell Hunter because she knows it will change everything.
Characters: This book focuses on Sienna and Hunter. I love that even though the focus is on them, it still focuses on their loved ones too. I especially love the part that Emma and Bryce play. It really helped paint a bigger picture of the story. It also helped show that Sienna would never be alone no matter what. That kind of made me a bit sappy if I'm being honest.
Critiques: None
Final Thoughts: I really didn't want this story to end. I just wanted to keep reading about Hunter and Sienna. They both go through such a personality growth. I mean obviously they had to figure things out quickly. I was rooting for both of them every step of the way. I definitely recommend this book. I found out awhile ago that I actually really enjoy sports romances. Out of all of them, the books in this series by this author have been my favorites hands down. I look forward to reading other books by this author. I also want to see more characters in this series!!!