A review by qyou
The Traveling Dildo Salesman by Kevin L. Donihe


This was my first Kevin Donihe and I must say I'm looking forward to reading more. I admit I'm not generally a short story person but these were surprisingly satisfying.

The Traveling Dildo Salesman surely hits home with anyone who has ever had the displeasure of working a dead end job for any length of time. How anyone could read this and not think "Poor bastard." at least once is beyond me.
Milky Agitation came out of left field and ended with a chuckle.
Two-Way Santa gives you the warm fuzzies which you soon realize are crusty with dried puke and then someone strangles you with an old t-shirt and you like it.
The Helen Mower: lover + blade wielding machine = ouch. (Not my favourite but well written.)
The Living Room Zombies was hilarious. You think you know what's going to happen but nope, nope you don't.
Revenge Of The Living Masturbation Rag...well, I'll never look at crusty rags the same way again and I hope they don't look at me at all.

Overall a very enjoyable read and a fast one to boot.