A review by sabregirl
Torchwood: Slow Decay by Andy Lane


This really could've been a better story. To me it just seemed pretty fanfictiony. Two random girls end up falling in love with Owen and Rhys seems like a mary-sue imput and would think that it was the author if it wasn't written by a man. The monsters were good and interesting and I had a good laugh that Jack decided to name the five monsters after the original Beatles members. I also liked the foreshadowing of the upcoming episodes that would've taken place after this story. I did not like however that the story focused on Gwen. I don't see why Rhys would want to lose weight it seemed like everything was greatly enhanced from the series. There was a lot of Mary Sueness going on with Gwen in this story, and I hated how she kept getting put into situations where she was almost killed and was some how able to get out of them without a second thought.