A review by emiliebookworld
Edge of Brotherhood by Molly E. Lee


Here’s the thing, I’ve loved every single one of Molly E. Lee’s books. I love how they’re different from most other romance books out there that I’ve been reading. I love that they’re equal parts action, adventure and romance. And it was no different with Edge of Brotherhood. Especially considering it brought together all the people I’ve come to love from the previous books. I mean, who wouldn’t want to read a story about four hot guys going on an Indiana Jones-style adventure together to discover a long lost mythical city? Personally, I was all over that.

The thing about Edge of Brotherhood is that it was a little different from the previous books in the series. There wasn’t as much of a focus on the romance. Sure it was still there, especially where Rain and Easton were concerned, but it wasn’t the primary focus of the story. Instead, it was all about the bromance between Dash, Easton, Connell and Wade. And I’m not going to lie, I loved every second of it. I loved seeing these guys come together, united towards a common purpose. And not only that, it also introduced me to Wade Roberts and I honestly cannot wait to find out more about him in a future book.

In case it wasn’t obvious, I loved Edge of Brotherhood. It was a different story set in a world I’ve come to love with characters I pretty much adore. Seriously, how could I have possibly not like this book?