A review by terriaminute
Running Blind by Venona Keyes, Kim Fielding


I had to read this novel, because I've loved many stories by this author, and because I am visually impaired, so characters with vision problems interest me. I learned things. *I* learned things. And not only about vision problems different from mine. I didn't know about tethered running or the ability Kyle discovers, and I knew little about voice acting. The strengths and weaknesses of the characters all played into the plot, and man. That last chapter.

The story's all from Kyle's point of view (so to speak), so the glimpses we get of how others perceive him are telling, and sometimes poignant.

I found zero slip-ups (having the blind man do something as if he could see - you'd be surprised how often a writer messes up disabilities - and very few typos. This is a beautiful work, and I highly recommend it. You'll have to accept that Kyle is very smart, and adaptable.

This story is full of reasonable people. Since I was raised around reasonable people, and live with more reasonable people, I felt right at home. :)