A review by agirlreadsbooks
A Love to Remember by Bronwen Evans


YES- Strong woman(mother) who did not give two flips what society deemed appropriate conduct! I loved Rose-after one terrible marriage she made the choice to be a wonderful mother during the day but enjoy unemcumbered passion at night. This lands her in the bed of her best friends brother, Phillip. After the death of his brother Phillip turns to Rose for sexual solace, two years later their affair is still going strong; but marriage is not an option for Phillip and Rose has made it clear that once was enough. However, sometimes minds can change. The chemistry between these two is evident but can Rose convince Phillip that it is more than sex.

Rose is such a strong character-I really loved her. Phillip is a tormented soul that sometimes drove me mad. A mix of passion, hurt, deceit, and some treachery make for a fun read.