A review by verkisto
Disillusioned by Robert Kroese


After the philosophy-heavy Distopia, I was hoping to get a little more of the slapstick-happy antics as seen in Disenchanted, and for the first 30 pages or so, I thought that was what I was getting. Then it delved into issues of race and society, and it got a little long winded and heavy handed on the themes. I give Kroese credit for attempting a heavy theme, but it got in the way of the story the same way it did in Distopia.

I would've rated this two stars, but the ending falls apart, and is capped with a clunky, amateurish "Where are they now?" sort of ending that felt tacked on. He could have made a couple of chapters out of it, but instead he rushes through it like he's ready to finish the whole thing. I think that chapter was five pages, at the most.

Disenchanted was fun, if a little rough around the edges. Distopia still had some of the antics, but took itself too seriously. Disillusioned takes the worst characteristics of the two preceding books and makes a full novel out of it. It wasn't terrible, but it could have been much, MUCH better.