A review by xxjustplainjessxx
Silence by Natasha Preston


Content Warning: Mentions of childhood abuse and trauma.

Silence is a well written work, detailing the account of Oakley, a 15 year old girl who hasn't spoken since she was just a child. Oakley, her best friend Cole, her brother Jasper, and several others are just high school students trying to brave their teenage years and wrestle with school, drama, love, and for Oakley...her past.

Oakley's trauma and a command from her abuser not to speak shut her down completely, but her best friend didn't care and stuck by her all these years. The pair get closer and closer, until FINALLY they get together (happy dance), and Oakley finally feels safe until all of a sudden...her past pops back up again.

This book is so well written, and as a survivor of similar trauma, I appreciate the attention to how Oakley feels as both a victim and a survivor. I truly felt what Oakley and Cole were feeling, the love, the pain, and the terrifying reality of what had actually happened to her.

I cannot wait for Broken Silence, which is on my hopefuls list for next month.