A review by germancho
Who Do You Think You Are? by Alice Munro


In this most canadian of books (a gift from @bluelephant), Munro wields her somber, solemn prose as if she were slowly swinging a heavy lead pipe: sometimes she misses, but when she connects you'll be knocked out for good. I very much appreciate that Munro opens a door to woman's mind in a way that I've never seen before, even if men are made of straw and friends are empty sprites. Something else that I liked about this book is that sex is this unfortunate happenstance which life pokes you with every now and again. In this case this might be a contrivance of the story... I certainly hope so!

Favorite stories: "Half a Grapefruit", "The Beggar Maid", "Mischief", "Simon's Luck", and "Spelling", if only for its schadenfreunde value.