A review by kimreadsthings
Roomies by Tara Altebrando, Sara Zarr



This was a fairly frustrating read. I really wanted to like it, and there were many aspects I did enjoy. Sadly, though, they were overshadowed. On reflection, I think my lower rating is solely to do with just one of our characters, Elizabeth or “EB”.

The book is told both in dual 1st person POV and also through the email and text message exchanges between the two “roomies”. It’s so strange that in the beginning of the book I found Lauren to be the rude one and by the end I could barely stand EB. I feel like if this was a book just about Lauren and Keyon it would definitely be a 3 ½ if not more. If it was just a book about EB I doubt I’d finish it. So, here we end up at 2 ½.

It’s a shame, really. The writing, the storytelling, the plot, and pacing...it’s all there. But my strong dislike of one of the two main characters just ensured that this fell flat to me. “What was so objectionable about this EB?”, I’m sure you’re wondering by now. Well, I’ll tell you.

She’s rather petty and prissy. Judgmental and irrational. She holds others to standards she barely abides by. She slutshames her mother. Slutshaming by a protagonist is an almost 100% guaranteed book ruiner for me. I mean, she refers to her mother as a “desperate whore” for dating one man. Yikes. Ew. Gross.

EB’s roommate, Lauren, comes from a large family with two parents who are still together. EB “only” has her mother and, as witnessed by the above, is none too thrilled with her. When Lauren, responding to a question from EB on what her parents are like, says that she’s pretty happy with her parents EB responds with what I can only refer to as petty, immature snarling. It’s a no-no to quote from books that aren’t released yet but I really wish I could quote for you here how ridiculous she is.

Seriously. She’s an asshole. She continues to have extremely uncharitable thoughts about Lauren throughout the rest of the book. Referring to her as “holier than thou” when she hasn’t responded to an email quickly enough for EB’s liking. Not an exaggeration, not kidding. I kept finding myself thinking “Who wants to read a book about a gigantic jerkface like this?” Not me!

When an event happens later on in the story that would be genuinely upsetting for anyone, even EB, she again reacts in the most petty and snot nosed manner possible. She is just one giant ball of selfishness and impotent rage.

Lauren, Keyon, you two were really cool and awesome and I loved your story. I’m sorry EB had to crap all over the parade. I loved Lauren and her family. Her interactions with her younger siblings were really touching and sweet. Also, there’s a scene between Lauren and her dad that was so genuinely moving I had tears in my eyes. Her relationship with Keyon was also realistically developed, sweet and just the right amount of adorably awkward.

I’d recommend this for the Lauren parts. Disregard EB over there being all petty in the corner.

4 stars for Lauren. 1 star for EB.

These words, and other fun, can also be found at my blog.