A review by brokenrecord
Deal Maker by Lily Morton


3.5 stars. Between this book and Three Dates, I've seen so much of Dylan and Gabe that I feel obligated to read their book even though I don't love these books that much. They're enjoyable enough, though — solid 3.5 star reads — so I may get around to it at some point. Anyways, this was cute! A bit overly sappy at times, especially the last few chapters, but I generally liked Asa and Jude a lot, and Billy wasn't too annoying of a child. I liked the relationship development with them starting off on the wrong foot and Jude pretending to be an idiot and Asa knowing he was pretending, and Asa coming around to realize he was wrong about Jude, and all of that. They were very sweet together. And I liked how short the drama lasted, like,
Spoilerthey have their fight about Jude leaving, and then he DOES leave, but Asa realizes (with an assist from Peggy) that Jude loves him and is scared, but has to decide to come back on his own, and it doesn't take too long for that to happen. I just really liked how that conflict was handled.
So yeah, enjoyable enough, and it was the kind of thing I was in the mood for.