A review by tropical_depression
Adventures in Funeral Crashing by Milda Harris


It's so sad that a book with such a catching title was so bland. I think if I was still a preteen, this book would've been more interesting. (I highly doubt that). How does a book go from 'quirky and interesting' to murder-mystery and then to romance, and still not have much going for it? I'm seriously confused. I went into this book expecting way more than this book intended on delivering. There was too much repetition and way too much time spent discussing unnecessary things. I found myself skimming over parts, because that's what you do when a book is not interesting and you just want it to end. I'm starting to lose faith in reviews because most of the bad books I've read this year had lots of good reviews. So now I'm left to wonder if something is wrong with the copy of the book that I read because this book barely deserves the two stars I gave it. To each his own.