A review by sarina_langer
A Fair Vendetta by Lyndsey Hall


Me, four lines in: *reads 'the Sylph Queendom'* :O IS THIS HOME

Me, three paragraphs in: WAIT, and it's SAMHAIN?? How do I go

Me, two pages in: i do not want to go :|

I'm kidding, of course. I absolutely want to go - the Sylph Queendom sounds like home and I'd like instructions for how to get there, please ^-^

This was such a fun little read! You can easily read this in one sitting if you want to and have the time. There were some great plot twists, too, which will keep you guessing! I adored the way it ended and would love more from these characters.

An easy recommendation if you like great world-building, fantastic characters, and the Fae!